Birthday Week

Turning 32 on the 23rd (trippy). It’s been a good August so far; I’m enjoying posting and making new content to promote Make It Stop. Doesn’t hurt that I’ve been getting some good feedback from listeners. The *coolest part is that I have people reaching out to me asking if we can work together. One collab will lead to another and that’s the end goal; creating more music and reaching out to more of the community.

But my birthday…so I don’t have too much planned tbh. It kinda snuck up on me with all the stuff I’ve been focused on this month. HOWEVER, I’m seeing Mastodon and Lamb of God on the 21st! Basically my gift to myself. This will be my first time seeing Lamb of God, but man this will be my…5th(?) (I’m not gonna search my GMail inbox) time seeing Mastodon. Now that I think about it…I’ve never seen another band this many times.

That last paragraph has me realizing I don’t get enough of my thoughts down in plain words (not lyrics or music). So this feels good to do. Anyways, not much else going on for now but I’d love to have a fun recap of my birthday weekend. Just a matter of finding something to do…


New single, new blog…